Thursday, July 14, 2011

Adventure Activitises In Nepal

Bunjee Jumping
If you thought that bungee jumping is restricted to some locations in North America, Europe, and New Zealand, kick off that coffin lid and get an update. The sport has found a natural home for itself in the highest and most magnificent mountain range in the world. The ultimate thrill of a bungee jump can now be experienced in Nepal at one of the best sites that this sport can boast of anywhere in the world.
The Bhote Koshi, one of the world’s wildest raging rivers, rushes down from the heights of the Himalayas. It roughly translates as `river from Tibet’ and so there are a lot of rivers that go by this name in Nepal. This Bhote Koshi is the main tributary of the Sun Koshi and is followed by the Arniko highway from Kathmandu to Lhasa. Nepal’s first Bungee jumping site is situated 160 m over this river, inviting you to experience the ultimate adrenaline rush in the surroundings of this amazing place.
Jump! A bungee jumping trip can be arranged on arrival in Kathmandu. As of now, there is only one agency offering this sport. The site is located close to the Nepal-Tibet border and is a three-hour bus ride from Kathmandu. The jump, at 160 m, was designed by one of New Zealand’s leading Bungee consultants and is staffed and operated by some of the most experienced western jump masters in the business. The jump has an impeccable record and no mishap has occurred at the site. The agency takes safety `very, very seriously’.
Paragliding in Nepal can be a truly wonderful and fulfilling experience for the adventure seeking. Experience unparalleled scenic grandeur as you share airspace with Himalayan griffin vultures, eagles, kites and float over villages, monasteries, temples, lakes and jungle, with a fantastic view of the majestic Himalayas.
The last three years have seen the activity flourish in Pokhara and it now is an internationally recognized destination for free-flight enthusiasts.Paragliding is a relatively new adventure sport in Nepal, and little information is available in tourist guidebooks.
  Mountain Biking
Nepal offers a challenging and pleasant scenic ride from the tropical plains of terai, mid-hills, mountainous terrain and its lush valleys to the arctic climate of the high alpine region. The only way to discover these hidden treasures and its warm ever-smiling people is on mountain bikes. Mountain biking is a great fun and a perfect way to discover Nepal's great diverse landscape, of tremendous terrain, tracks and trails. Where mountain bike takes you away from the hustle bustle of the city-town life into serene country life, on a hidden trail rarely visited area of local villages, its traditional rural life style that has preserved for centuries.

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